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Returns and


If you change your mind about an item you purchased, we are happy to provide a refund for the returned items. Returns will be issued for products that are unused and in their original condition. All returns should be processed within 30 days of the delivery date. If you want to return the product, we will email a pre-paid return label. To start your return, send us a message with your name, order number and what item you would like to return. Your refund will be processed once we receive your return.


Regarding exchanges, the customer is responsible to pay for any difference in pricing. If you want to exchange the product, we will email a pre-paid label. Contact us within 30 days of the delivery date to start your exchange. When you mail the original item back, include a note with your name, order number and what product you would like instead. We will send you a payment request if there are additional charges. Your exchange will be processed once we receive your original item.

Damaged/Wrong Item Received

If there is a problem with your purchase, please send us a message with your order number and a picture of the damaged or wrong item within 7 days of the delivery date. If an exchange is needed, we will email a pre-paid return label and send a replacement once the item has been shipped back.

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